The haunted history of the Eastern Shore is about to be exorcised.
The Flyer staff is undertaking an investigation this week into the Pocomoke State Forest and surrounding areas shrouded in ghost and spirit lore, seeking to capture and record all evidence of the many secrets hidden in these infamously haunted locations.
Ranging from areas near the former home of a murderous sailor to a deserted church with an immovable Bible, several landmarks and sites throughout the forest located just miles south of Salisbury University’s campus are scheduled for exploration into their supernatural origins.
Stories and folklore of apparitions and ghouls will be investigated into the early hours of the morning, where staff members will post social media updates and live telecasts throughout the night for a first-person — and potentially frightening — view into the ghostly investigation in real time.
The Flyer will also publish any recorded ghostly findings and evidence gathered during the investigation, along with testimonials from the ghost-hunters themselves.
Follow @salisburyflyer on Instagram and @suflyer on Twitter for investigation updates.
Stay spooky, Sea Gulls.
News editor
Featured image courtesy of Jacob Beaver.