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SU to loosen mask mandate for professors

Writer: Haley RawlsHaley Rawls

Salisbury University President Charles Wight detailed several updates regarding SU's COVID-19 policies and information during Wednesday’s presidential briefing.

SU has continued to maintain low COVID-19 case rates with a 1.5% monthly positivity rate, as of Tuesday, along with 83.7% of faculty and staff and almost 90% of students fully vaccinated.

The briefing detailed a plan to ease the mask mandate within classrooms for SU's professors.

“The university health team has updated the guidance to allow instructors and presenters to remove masks in classrooms when they remain at least six feet away from others in the room.” said Wight.

Reflecting low positive test rates, Wight mentioned the possibility of larger in-person events on campus.

Wight said the safety of students and faculty remains the highest priority as SU intends to stay open for in-person instruction, while also keeping an eye on COVID-19 data.

“The university health team will review campus-wide mask guidance and other restrictions as it receives more data. We're taking these steps in the hopes of returning to a more normal campus experience while keeping safety as our top priority. Our high vaccination and booster rates paired with our robust testing infrastructure and in-house count contact tracing allow us to spot trends and adjust to changing conditions quickly.”

Students will have access to a second set of ten KN-95 masks, available at the Guerrieri Student Union information desk beginning Monday.

SU Chief of Staff Eli Modlin said N95 mask fit testing is available through campus health for those interested.

Modlin also serves as the director of government and community relations, and he briefly discussed the upcoming May commencement.

“Grad walks will take place. This may be at the Wicomico County Civic Center on May 20 and 21. They'll be organized by schools and colleges and all of this information is actually available on the commencement web page,” Modlin said.

COVID-19 testing appointments, which remain available to all students, faculty and staff, can be scheduled here.

Any questions regarding absences due to COVID-19 can be answered by emailing

More information regarding SU’s COVID-19 policies can be found at



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Featured image courtesy of Haley Rawls



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