Today, Salisbury University will announce the cancellation of its study abroad programs for the Summer of 2021, according to Assistant Provost for International Education, Dr. Brian Stiegler.
When determining travel locations for students, SU refers to the U.S Department of State Travel Advisory System.
“In order for us to allow travel again, the state department has to lower the travel advisory to a level two or a level one … Now, the issue is, where can you go?” said Stiegler.
Current level one and two travel advisories exist; however, according to Stiegler, countries and/or programs with low advisory levels are not allowing SU students entry at this time.
One year ago, SU announced the suspension of all study abroad programs, planning to re-evaluate March 15, 2021, according to SU's study abroad website.
This suspension was due to an increase of level three travel advisories worldwide.
“Never, like never ... have they (the U.S State department) posted a worldwide travel advisory — and they did. So, the whole world, irrespective of whatever was happening with COVID or anything else, got a level three. That was the big plug pulling in the Spring [of 2020,]” Stiegler said.
Although SU is not offering study abroad this summer, Stiegler does predict possible study abroad opportunities in the fall.
“…I’m pretty confident, actually, that we will have some fall study abroad. I’m pretty confident in that ... I bet there’ll be some places that by June 15 the State department will lower the travel alert and that the countries will let people in. I think that’s gonna be likely.”
Featured Photo by Brad Boardman.