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SU alumna now WBOC meteorologist

SU alumna Dalencia Jenkins dreamed of being a meteorologist since high school, and just days before graduating in Spring of 2021, her dream came true. She is now a weekend meteorologist at We're Between the Ocean Chesapeake.

Jenkins starts her day at 2 a.m., arriving at WBOC by 3 a.m. Before going on air, Jenkins works on the forecast, captions and teases while also doing her own hair and makeup.

“I love that [going on air.] It’s a lot of stress, lot of pressure, but I love it.”

In addition to meteorology, Jenkins reports for WBOC Tuesday through Friday.

“I really enjoy reporting because you never know what you’re gonna do, and if you do know what you’re going to do, you never know how it’s going to turn out.”

“I’m blessed to be at a station that lets me do weather and reporting as well, so I get to do two things that I’m passionate about and love.”

While at SU, Jenkins initially started out as a geology major adding her second major, communication, her second semester of school.

“It just turned into a double major, and I didn’t regret that decision at all.”

Jenkins received guidance from many of her SU professors, especially Dr. David Burns and Mike Camillo.

Dr. Burns helped Jenkins find an internship at Public Access Channel 14 after her previous internship had been cancelled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It was devasting,” Jenkins said.

Jenkins' PAC 14 internship greatly influenced her experience both behind the camera and on air.

“Once you tell someone what you want to do and see they see that you are very passionate about it, they just, especially here [at SU], they give you everything you need and … [give you] opportunities to just succeed in what you want to do.”

Under the advisory of Mike Camillo, Jenkins was also a member of SUTV all four years and even served as public relations manager on SUTV's executive board.

"That [SUTV] gave me some leadership experience, so I’m very grateful for that.”

Jenkins acknowledged SUTV as a resource to gain experience both on air and behind the scenes, contributing to her success today.

“Just learning the green scene and getting comfortable on air that helped a lot. I wish, with SUTV, I would have worked more behind the scenes. If I would have worked more behind the scenes, I would have been put so far ahead," Jenkins said. "And so, I would suggest that for anyone ... to learn all the aspects [of what you're doing], because you never know what you would be doing [in the future]”.

Jenkins advises upcoming graduates to network and use social media as a "super mentor."

“I tell a lot of people sometimes it comes down to not always what you know, but who you know, and then, what you know backs you up and keeps you there.”




Photos courtesy of Dalencia Jenkins.



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