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SafeRide’s approach to Alcohol Awareness

Writer: Staff WriterStaff Writer

Before life with COVID-19, SafeRide provided free and confidential rides to students offering safe transportations on the weekends.

Gabriela Torres, Director of Community Relations and Co-Director of Finance and Operations of SafeRide, said that since they weren’t operating, they teamed up with the Wellness Center to host events for the students of Salisbury.

“We came together as a board and came up with a few events, we pitched them to student wellness, they liked it and so we went with it,” Torres said. “Originally, it was only going to be a week, but we thought it would be more impactful if we did it over a span of a month.”

After hosting their kickoff event, they held an information session with Karen Treber, Salisbury University’s lawyer, and Dr. Leaver, a psychology professor at SU.

SafeRide hosted Mothers Against Drunk Driving representatives sharing their personal stories about drunk driving.

They then held Kahoot game to get students aware of basic facts, SU’s policies and how they might affect you.

Mia Coyle, Director of Employee Relations and Co-Director of Finance and Operations, said that putting on these events help promote the SafeRide organization and the work of the staff involved.

“We want the community to know that we’re still here to help by spreading the word,” Coyle said.

Although SafeRide is not currently operating, they want to emphasize the importance of SafeRide to Salisbury’s community. Chloe Birch, Director of Personnel and Co-Director of Finance and Operations, said the bottom line is safety; she wants everyone to know the dangers of drunk driving.

“We aren’t involved because we think drinking is immoral and it makes you a bad person; the part that we’re concerned about is you getting home safely and keeping you and the people around you alive,” said Birch.

To stay up to date on SafeRide’s events, follow their Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at Susaferide. To gain more information about the events hosted by SafeRide, check out Involved @ SU.



Staff writer

Featured photo by Brad Boardman.



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