Salisbury’s Guerrieri Student Union has orchestrated many events in celebration of their semi-annual series, “GSU Cares.”
The GSU’s mission is to find the best ways to serve the needs of students, faculty, alumni and the surrounding Salisbury community. From community-oriented fundraising events to trivia and game nights, the GSU offers something for everyone.
GSU’s most recent endeavor, “GSU Cares,” began in 2012 to cultivate a community of civility throughout the campus community. By providing an avenue for students to practice random acts of kindness, the organization hopes to inspire students to incorporate civil services into their daily lives and throughout the Salisbury University community.
This year, GSU has reformulated its events to abide by the implications of COVID-19; you can participate online and in person. If you are one of the many students living off-campus, you can still participate through social media.
When you participate in the “GSU Cares” events, in-person or online, you will be entered into a drawing sponsored by GSU and the Student Organization for Activity Planning held at the end of the spring semester.
“The event[s] are on social media, where students post information regarding the event. If you comment, like or post on our social media’s ... you will be entered into the drawing,” stated Jenny Lauver, GSU’s Graduate Assistant.
By attending various events, you can increase your chances of winning one of their excellent prizes. With every event you participate in, your name will be re-entered in the drawing pool.
In this COVID-19 oriented world, meeting new people can be a struggle. Through participation in GSU events, you can meet new people, give back to the community and put your name in to win various prizes.
“GSU is one of the easiest ways that you can give back to campus and Salisbury’s community,” Senior Cameron Hoopman stated regarding the event.
“You can do it from home just by going on Twitter or Instagram, all while helping out a good cause,” added Hoopman.
The next “GSU Cares” event is on April 14, a social media event held in celebration of National Pet Day. GSU is then holding an Earth Day Celebration on April 21. To end the semester, they will be hosting a National Teacher Day Celebration on May 4.
“Our Instagram is @gsuevents, our Facebook is GSUCares, [and] our TikTok is @gsuevents,” shared Lauver.
To find out more information on the variety of events held by GSU, check out
Gull Life editor
Photo credit: GSU@SU