About Us
Quality news, where you want it, when you want it.
We are hiring staff writers & photographers for the 2024-25 school year!
In its 50th year of operation, The Flyer has represented Salisbury University's student voice with the goal to enlighten and inform the campus community of roughly 10,000 students, faculty and staff.
Our staff aims to provide quality news content while fostering an atmosphere of advocacy, engagement and social listening. Editors work directly with staff writers to strengthen skills in writing, reporting and networking. ​
Letters to the Editor are welcomed and encouraged. Students, please include your name and academic year. Faculty members, please include your department. Letters should be no longer than 400 words. The Flyer reserves the right to refrain from publishing any text. Please email your letter as an attachment to flyer@gulls.salisbury.edu with the subject line "Letter to the editor."
The Flyer is an online news website that publishes its content on Wix. All articles on the website are free to read, authored by our student contribitors and staff members.
The Flyer strives for accuracy and corrects its errors immediately. If you believe The Flyer has published a factual error, please notify Flyer@gulls.salisbury.edu or direct message our social media.
Interested in joining? Salisbury University students, regardless of major or academic year, are welcome to join The Flyer. As a student organization, we are committed to providing equal opportunity involvement to better the SU student experience. Attend our weekly meetings to get started.
Staff Writers/Photographers
Spring 2025 WEEKLY MEETINGS: Thursdays at 6:00 p.m. in TETC 213G (Conway Hall)
Those entering the world of journalism should familiarize themselves with AP style and grammar by consulting The Flyer's introductory AP style guide. Workshops for AP style and other reporting skills will take place at meetings throughout the Spring 2025 semester.
To begin the application process, please download and complete a copy of our Application for Employment. Follow all directions as advised and submit your completed copy on time to an editor.
Editor in Chief
David Bohenick
Sports Editor
Kristen Samar
Managing Editor
Anna Belong
Photography Editor
Social Media & Graphics Editor
Rajan Turner
Brooke Birckhead
Office Manager
Maddie Rathmann